Friday, February 20, 2009

More Birthday's, Birthdays!!

My little boy Harper turned 2 on 2/10, and all I can say is that it has just flown by so much. Just thinking about it right now makes me almost cry. To think that 2 years ago I brought such a beautiful baby boy into this world and he keeps growing so tall and big. Next thing you know he is going to be going to kindergarten, then he will graduate from high school and then he will marry some wonderful women hopefully and have kids of his I am really getting a head of my self.

Well we wanted to make his birthday special so we went to my parents house and had a party for him. Becca of course made the cute cake pictured below and some little cupcakes to go with it. Harper got a xylophone, a little pop up tent/tunnel, a tricycle, magnadoodle, books, bath crayons and a hand made painted stool from Aunt Ruth.. After he opened all of his small gifts I got his tricycle from the living room and brought it down the hall to the kitchen and Harper was so excited and confused at the same time. He got right on it however and Aunt Shannon pushed him around on it. It will take him a while but he will eventually learn how to pedal himself.

On his actual birthday we were at Becca's house doing the daycare thing so Danny got up and brought him over some balloons for himself, Ella has balloons from her birthday a few weeks prior and Harper always tried to play with them but Ella didn't like to share them. Anyhow they both had their own balloons and they ran back and forth in the house with them for about 20 mins. After they got that out of their system we got out the play doh and played with that for a while. We cleaned up and fed the kids lunch, then they went down and Danny had to leave for work. That night Becca and her kids and Harper and me and Laney all went to McDonald's to play. Harper had a hamburger happy meal, his first happy meal may I add. But he didn't want to eat to much because he was having to much fun playing with all the kids on the toys. All the fun that day wore him out and he went to bed at 8pm...ya! But he had a happy birthday.

Harper on the toys at McDonalds

Birthdays, Birthdays!!

Well as some of you may know I had my birthday on 2/6 and I turned the big 25! Normally I take the day off from work and relax however I started doing daycare for my sister 2 days prior so I could very well take that day off. So I started my day off at 6am to get the kids up and out of bed and to Becca's house for work. I had a long day of watching kids but Becca was so nice and watched Harper and Laney so that Danny and I could go out on a date.
I got off work at 5pm and left for home, Danny was at my parents house working with my Dad on fixing his mirror on his car and was supposed to be home shortly after me. When I got home and walked in the kitchen he had balloons, a Happy Birthday sign, flowers, card and a present waiting for me on the table. Let me tell you it is really hard to surprise me but he managed to this time. I was all smiles when I was opening my present because it was a small jewelry size box, and I was right it was a necklace from Kay Jewelers. The open hearts necklace from the Jane Seymour collection, sterling silver, no diamonds and it is very simple and pretty, just what I like!

Danny walked in the door about 5 min later and after thanking him of course and giving him a hug we got ready and went out to dinner. I chose Red Lobster because I was craving shrimp, and it was really good! After dinner we planned on going bowling, I though it would be something different and exciting for the both of us. Plus I planned on kicking Danny's butt! Unfortunately the 2 bowling allies that we tried going to were so busy with league nights that it would have been over an hour wait so we chose to.......go grocery shopping!!! I know, fun right?

After we went shopping we went and picked up the kids from Becca's house and went home and were up till about 1am and fell right to sleep. Unfortunately we didn't get to sleep in either, however it was a fun date night that we so desperately needed. Thanks Becca!!

Funny side note, Becca had paid me for the first few days that I watched the kids and I put the check in my back pocket instead of my purse. The next day I couldn't find it in my pocket and I thought that I had put it in my purse..It kind of slipped my mind until Sunday and when I couldn't find it I finally got the guts up to call Becca and tell her that I lost the first paycheck, it was kind of embarrassing. She wasn't mad at all, I just wanted to tell her that she may have to cancel the check. I tried calling Red Lobster but they didn't have it so I called the Winco and they had it! Apparently someone found it in the bathroom, so it dropped out when I went to the potty. I was so happy that I found it and learned my lesson..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Small Update on us

I know it has been a while since I have blogged...but I really don't have anything to say, but here are a few things.

Just to let everyone know Danny is being laid off yet again, this week is his last week at work. If you know of a good job that he may qualify for or you can help us get him a good job then let me know, but I won't count on it.

Harper is turning 2 in 2 weeks and I am turning 25 in a week and a half! Ya!! I'm not going to count on a big bash for my birthday either, not that it really has ever happened before anyhow.

Delaney has officially slept through the night 2 times now. Last Monday night and last night...I only wish that the 8 hours that she was sleeping I was sleeping at the same time. But she has gone from about 8-4am and 9-5am....Hopefully she won't just make this a Monday night occurrence and it will become more regular.

Also I have a new family blog that is for my side of the family, the Richards...If you feel like it you can check it out at:

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Harper and his girly ways

I though it would be funny to let everyone in on Harper's secret, he is really a girl at heart....So everyone thought that I had 1 boy and 1 girl, well you may just be wrong. Here are some pics to prove it..Harper loves to wear my head bands and he loves to put on lotion and at the Cinderella party he was wearing necklaces around the house. Looks like Danny needs to buff him up a little!

Mattson Family Christmas

Christmas has finally come and gone, and thank goodness for that! Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas but it can wear on your nerves and your money also. I can say that we had a good one, and next year should be just as fun with Laney probably going to be in the walking stages and Harper will be able to say 'Merry Christmas' and maybe understand who Santa is. For now I just happy that we had the blessed Christmas that we did!

Here are some pics for everyone to see....
Harper got Play dough from Me and Danny and Grandma Richards got him Play dough toys

We also got Harper a Alphabet phonics thing for the fridge...I can safely say that after 2 hrs of it already I am tired of it.... But he loves it!

Harper looks like he is happy but this is really a cringe because Laney was touching him and he didn't want to sit next to her! But they still look cute.

Here are our stockings. Danny's is blue, Mine is green, Harper's is red and Laney's is purple. This was Laney's first Christmas and the little bear in her stocking his her first stuffed animal. I can imagine her dragging it all around the house when she is older.

Harper playing with the aqua doodle that we got for him. He LOVES it!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! We love all of you and for those of you who are far away we miss you too!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Delaney's Blessing

I have been so busy this month that it has been hard to have the chance to post blogs. So this one is about our little Laney Bug. She was blessed earlier this month 12/7/08 by my father Scott Richards. The blessing was short but sweet and it made me think of all the things to come in the future. I only want the best for my kids and it is so hard to be able to provide everything.

The blessing dress that she is wearing was my blessing dress. So just in case you don't know how old I am, this dress was used almost 25 yrs ago. It was really nice of my mom to keep this dress for me so that my daughter could wear it. Thanks Mom, I love you!

Here she is Delaney Jessalyn Mattson

Thursday, December 11, 2008

More family pics

Mom and Dad with all of the grandkids: Emma, Orion,Olivia, Ethan, Ella, Harper, Samuel and Delaney
My sister Erin and her husband William and son Samuel

Me and Danny with Harper and Delaney

My sister Rebecca and her Husband Nate with Emma, Ethan & Ella

Rebecca's family again

Johanna did a great job! Thank you for being so patient with all of us.